Exploring Martinique: “Where Unknown Beasts Move Never Seen by Man’s Eyes”

Let’s continue our story about Martinique. It’s a place where Josephina Bogarne, a French empress and the first wife of Napoleon I, was born and brought up. We took the opportunity and decided to search the legendary Sea Serpent on the island of Martinique.

We had to get out of the town, as the maneuvers of the Martinique army had started there.

GLONASS Exploring Martinique

Women in this army were responding to each other in a strange manner.

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And men were not at all interested in them.

GLONASS Exploring Martinique

Without pausing to think, we weighed anchor and

GLONASS Exploring Martinique

passed by an “emergency exit from a game” – a giant Yacht Express that takes yachts to Europe,

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and came to an island, as the fairytale reads “Past the Island of Buyan,
back to gracious Tsar Saltan.”

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On the road we recognized a hut whose “chicken feet” had run away somewhere …

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We passed by:
An abandoned fortress

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A staircase leading nowhere

GLONASS Exploring Martinique

Giant trees

GLONASS Exploring Martinique

A lonely standing window

GLONASS Exploring Martinique

Datura flowers

GLONASS Exploring Martinique

The Tsar Canon

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A whispering well

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and, finally, a bottomless cave.

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Found the remnants of unknown creatures.

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Judging by some evidence, the creatures were of huge dimensions.

GLONASS Exploring Martinique

However, we didn’t get scared and finally found the Sea Serpent.

GLONASS Exploring Martinique

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