We Only Dream of Tail Wind

Besides the fact that the wind is contrary, it is even stronger now. The constant speed is 20 knots with gusts reaching 25. To make it clear, there’s a storm alert in Moscow when it’s 30. That’s when trees and billboards start falling. We rolled down all the sails and left only two pieces, the size of a handkerchief. It rocks cruelly in the head sea. We keep moving slowly to the south and will soon come to Ecuador.

The wind brought clouds. There’s no sun. It’s rainy and cold! We’ve forgotten that it can be cold outside and one should put on a T-shirt to go on the deck! It’s awful. And this is 400 km away from the equator. Some kind of nonsense. Autumn has come to Panama. Well, you have the same, though – it’s September 1 soon.

Please drink our tail wind more intensely.

Our greetings to everybody!

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